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Planning Board Minutes 11/15/2018
    Chichester Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
Thursday November 15, 2018

Members Present: Chairman Stan Brehm, Michael Williams, Richard Moore, Tom Houle, Richard Bouchard, Ed Millette-ex-officio, and Kristy Barnouski Secretary.  

Others present: Matt Monahan, Mike Tardiff, Zach Boyijian, Jim Eggers, Charlie Kojigian, Gail Britton-Kojigian, Dan Humphrey, Bob Mann, , and other members of the public.

 Mr. Brehm called the meeting to order at 6:30pm.

Mr. Bouchard made a motion and Mr. Houle seconded to approve the minutes of November 1, 2018 with the proposed changes. Motion passes.

Mr. Monahan began the meeting with a discussion on a Work Force Housing analysis that he completed.  Mr. Monahan did two different analyses, one for homeowners and one for renters.  Mr. Monahan surmised that on the surface, it seems that Chichester may not need to use workforce housing ordinance in the near-term due to the fact that Chichester shows average housing costs that are less than the threshold identified for he county.  He did urge for this to be checked at least annually because this may change in the future at any time.  

The Board discussed how the votes would appear on the ballot.  Initially it was discussed to keep everything separate, however Mr. Brehm wanted to keep the nodes separate but urged the rest of the Board to keep the cluster ordinance with the zoning changes because the two would not work how its intended if they are not passed together.  

The Board discussed clusters and adding a density incentive to developers utilize cluster housing.  The developer also saves on costs by having less infrastructure to build with a smaller road, meanwhile keeping more open space and retaining the rural character of Chichester.  Mr. Tardiff will come back to the next meeting with ideas for offering a conservative bonus.  

The Ag overlay subcommittee will be working to plot the known farmlands of importance on the maps. The Committee is made up of Mr. Williams, Mr. Houle, Mr. Humphrey, and Mr. Boyijian.  Mr. Monahan discussed with the Board that the Board can encourage developers not to build on these valued Ag lands that are identified on the maps.  Mr. Monahan stated that he used wording previously “to the maximum extent possible…avoiding Ag lands”.  Some of the Board was worrying about this being to prohibitive, but Mr. Monahan and Mr. Tardiff both stated that it’s not meant to be prohibitive but to just encourage developers to the best of their abilities to build off of the Ag lands recognized on the maps.  

Mr. Monahan and Mr. Tardiff presented the new maps redefined by the originals after receiving feedback and utilizing multiple layers of data including the NRI (National Resource Inventory).  Some of the Board members were worried about having too much of the Town designated in Rural Agriculture and having too much 5 acre lot requirement.  Some changes were made to the map redirecting some of the boundary lines to make the division of 2 and 5 acre lands more equitable.  The Board struggled with dividing properties with the boundary lines or following lot lines.  Mr. Tardiff suggested doing a hybrid of both. The CNHRPC will review the rough lines drawn by the Board and will create new maps for the next meeting which will be held on Thursday, November 29, 2018.  Mrs. Barnouski will be extending an invitation to the Charrette and Heritage to attend the meeting.  

Other Business-
D.O.T. Ten year plan-
Mr. Moore wanted to discuss the D.O.T. ten year plan with CNHRPC to get the deadline for projects to be considered.  Mr. Tardiff stated that they would have to be in by the end of this month.  He also recommended to send in a letter to D.O.T. from both the Planning Board as well as the Board of Selectmen to confirm that the two projects for Chichester (King Road and Rt. 28/Main Street intersection) are both very important to the Town.  The Board did voice concerns over Rt. 4 and the amount of accidents.  The Board of Selectmen have sent a letter signed by both the Police Department and the Fire Department recommending reduced speeds and other ways to improve safety concerns with no luck.  Mr. Tardiff recommended asking to be a part of a corridor study that will be done in Epsom.  It could potentially be a study involving Chichester/Epsom/Northwood.  

Conservation Commission Driveway-
Mr. Mann along with several other Conservation Commission Members wanted to discuss an issue with the Board they have with a wetland setback on the new parking area they are creating off of Main St. by the Shaw pasture.  Mr. Mann had contacted Mr. Brehm to explain to him that the Conservation Commission would have to encroach in the wetlands setback while creating the parking area and wanted to come before the Board to get their thoughts on this matter.  Mr. Brehm did attend a site walk with the Conservation Commission to view the area. The Conservation Commission did delineate the wetlands and they determined they would be encroaching by approximately 15ft.   After some discussion the consensus of the Board is that they did not believe the Planning Board has jurisdiction over this matter.  Mr. Williams pointed out that the Town is sovereign and that they do not have to abide by setback rules.  Mr. Brehm also pointed out that according to our zoning driveway and access is allowed in the wetland setback.  The Conservation Commission wanted to be sure they were doing their due diligence. A copy of the delineated wetlands as well as a letter from the Planning Board will be placed into the property file for future reference.   

Trailer Storage-
Mrs. Barnouski asked the Board their thoughts on trailer storage on Rt. 4.  A Commercial/Industrial land owner recently came in asked if he would have to do a site plan to have storage only on his property.  The consensus of the Board was to have the landowner come in to the Planning Board for a conceptual meeting to discuss this matter.  

Adjournment- Having no further business, a motion was made by Mr. Brehm and seconded by Mr. Williams to adjourn the meeting at 9:15pm.
Respectfully submitted,

Kristy Barnouski, Secretary